About the Authors


Raveena started doing charity work at age 9. Diya began doing it at age 6.  Our youngest sister, Amisha, started at age 4!The desire to help others has been something we have been doing since we were very young, so it is very close to our hearts! In 2021, Raveena and Diya Duggal were both awarded the Governor General’s Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers for their ongoing contributions. Raveena, Diya, and Amisha have been involved in several charity initiatives in Sarnia and through worldwide organizations. We have done charity work for the Women’s Interval Home, Canadian Cancer Society, Bare Necessities Little Lunches, and Plan International Canada. Raveena and Diya were also recipients of the UK 2019 Princess Diana Award which honors “young people who work to improve the lives of others” and also won the 2018 Mayor’s Award, as well as being honored by politicians (members of parliament).

For years we have organized various fundraisers. It all started at our first launch party at our school. We have sold baked goods, homemade popcorn, and mystery bags. We made over 200 mystery bags, filled with our toys!

We made beauty products like bath bombs, soap, and light-up scrunchies.  We sold handmade beauty products to our school staff. We sold our products in events like movie nights at our school and Multicultural events in high schools.

We also did presentations to local foundations to raise additional money for charity. We did a presentation to “Awesome Project” which funds local ventures, about who we are helping and where the raised money is going.  We didn’t get the money, but we tried our best and that’s all that counts.

We have successfully organized a “cut your hair” event. We donated all the proceeds to the Canadian Cancer Society. The hair went to Pantene to create wigs for people with cancer. After the event, we were able to give 15 braids to Pantene!

We grew our hair out every year until it was long enough to cut and donate to Pantene. We also collected hair from our family and friends and our local salons. We gave all the hair to Pantene to make wigs for kids and adults with cancer.

Every year we provided Christmas gifts for kids all around the world. We used a particular program called “Samaritans Purse”. We also donated Christmas gifts through Christmas shoeboxes and our local Christmas Hamper programs.

We continuously support our local Women’s Interval Home. We also fundraise through charity garage sales to buy brand new items for the shelter. We donate items like notebooks, puzzles, socks for Women and Children, toys and underwear.

We are looking forward to many future events so we can continue to help those in need!

Raveena Duggal

I’m 15 years old, and I am one of the 3 authors of the “Three Bunny Sisters” children’s book. My sisters and I worked together to write this book that talks about our charity work in a fun way! I love to do charity work with my sisters. Together we have done charity garage sales, bake sales and other events! We received the 2019 Princess Diana award for all of our hard work helping others.
I also enjoy making bath bombs, soap and scrunchies for fun! I also enjoy playing basketball, volleyball and going for bike rides. My favourite sport is swimming.
I also have an artistic side, doing my own paintings, especially of landscapes. Vacationing with my family is also one of my favourite things!

Diya Duggal

I am 12 years old and I am also one of the writers for “Three Bunny Sisters”. My sisters and I have done charity work for 4 years and we wanted to write a story about it to help inspire others to do the same thing. I really enjoy helping others and seeing them smile. My family also makes me smile.
One of my favourite things to do is go to the arcade! I also like playing online video games with my cousins.
One of my favourite sports is swimming.
I also like to grow my hair out and then cut it, and send it to the Canadian Cancer Society for their wig program. I think it’s nice to help others. We put a lot of thought and hard work in to our book, so we hope many kids like reading it.

Amisha Duggal

I am 8 years old. I love to draw with my sisters and play board games with them. I liked when we drew pictures to plan the story for “Three Bunny Sisters”. I also helped my older sisters write the book.
My favourite thing is to have “movie night” with my family. My favourite sport is swimming. I like to learn dance with my sisters.
I also like helping my sisters when they make soap and do their charity work. I gave my sisters my toys so they could sell them at the charity garage sales. I also helped my sisters bake cupcakes for the charity bake sales.


In 2021, Raveena and Diya Duggal were both awarded the Governor General’s Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers. Raveena and Diya have also been honoured with the 2019 Princess Diana Award, Mayor’s Honour Award, MP awards as well as a Plan International Canada certificate. We have also been recognized for outstanding service awards, including the Pantene Wig Program.